Sunday, September 03, 2006

Me too!!!!

Well, here I am joining the band wagon of scores of bloggers at last...another brick in the wall...I wonder wot made me create this blog today...not that I have anythin new 2 offer 2 anyone all of a sudden...nor do i think all that much about the simple n complex aspects of just someone with loads of questions and very few answers...out here on a journey called life, tryin 2 make the most of my best shot 2 the never ending quest of defining life in general and happiness in particular. So, let the flow of random thoughts continue while I try to make sense out of the random and chaotic nonsense of the phenomenon called life.


Shaan said...

complex it is.....

welcome to the world of bloggin dude!

Dolly Dwivedi said...

@Shaan: Thanx man! :)