Sunday, July 26, 2009

Steady steady..

Yesterday, while I was traveling to Boston, I saw the cutest thing on Dartmouth coach – an old person was seated next to me and he looked pretty tired and sick and sleepy – his hand shivered – his leg was quivering. What caught my attention was his shivering hand – even while he was asleep – reminded me of my grandma. He woke up near Lebanon and was searching for his headphones. He had dropped them off earlier – I offered it to him. That broke the ice between us – he got talking with me – his wife chimed in – they were telling me stories about their life and times – was nice listening to it all.

What amazed me was the love with which his wife was taking care of him – I did not admire it because it was an act of kindness or greatness – it was an act of love. She took care of every little detail for him – he had trouble remembering certain things – she remembered it for him – she finished his sentences for him – she held his headphones for him because he kept losing his grip on them - they had their own jokes - which they kind of understood and I could only guess :) She looked really tired – maybe she had not slept properly – but her eyes twinkled while doing things for him – while filling in small details of the stories that he was telling me – her eyes had a sparkle every time he laughed – she loved him. I saw true love yesterday – first hand – yet again. These were two people who had spent more than 40 years with each other – and still could not get enough of each other – whose love only grew with years.

I want it in my life – someone I want to grow old with – someone who I know will love me on my bad hair days – when I become fat – when I crack the silliest joke and he will laugh with me no matter how lame the joke - when I wear spectacles – when I grow old and lose all my teeth – and he will still think am awesome. I don’t want crazy momentary highs of love – I want that steady glow of love – the glow which fills your life forever and assures you that you will never be alone again.

Monday, July 20, 2009

I respect...

...photographers - because they see when life is in full bloom - in various colors -they hear when life whispers - they let life cast it's spell on them - they capture the beauty of every mundane moment - mostly because they live life to it's fullest.

I have a new favorite :)

Pink oriental lilies

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Pretty :)

Flowers in downtown Hanover

Photo courtesy: Harini Sridharan

Sunday, July 12, 2009


"There will be lots of 'REPUTATED' people there tonight" - the last I heard that word was reputed - hahahaha - the things you get to hear while walking across downtown!

Friday, July 10, 2009


Mark: I don't think you're an idiot at all. I mean, there are elements of the ridiculous about you. Your mother's pretty interesting. And you really are an appallingly bad public speaker. And, you tend to let whatever's in your head come out of your mouth without much consideration of the consequences. I realize that when I met you at the Turkey Curry Buffet I was unforgiveably rude... and wearing a reindeer jumper. That my mother had given me the day before. But the thing is, what I'm trying to say, very inarticulately, is that, in fact, perhaps despite appearances, I like you. Very much.

Bridget: Apart from the smoking and the drinking and the verbal diarrhoea...

Mark: No, I mean I like you very much. Just as you are.

~ Bridget Jones' Diary (2001)

Tuesday, July 07, 2009


Photo courtesy: Harini Sridharan

Monday, July 06, 2009


The best thing to happen to Hanover of late - lilies - loads of them - everywhere :)

Photo courtesy: Harini Sridharan

Sunday, July 05, 2009

Freaking awesome!

The best part about today - I saw a full rainbow on one of my long walks - it was so beautiful and divine - freaking awesome! The one you see in the pic above is the closest to what I saw today - wish I had a camera at that moment - damn it!

PS: Eve teasing - very much present in US too - sad but true.

Saturday, July 04, 2009

Happy 4th!

The blackboards usually listing the specials for the day in front of Boloco's and Dirt Cowboy read that yesterday. That's what the lady at the counter told me at the Co-op - with a warm smile. That reminds me - while walking out of Co-op - I ran into a lady tending to the flowers displayed near the entrance. Now, since I got here, I got to see so many flowers - both exotic and mundane - I don't know the names of more than half of them - though from my limited knowledge , I know that my favorites happen to be tulips and wild lilies - so anyways - I decided to ask this lady which ones she was so lovingly tending to - she told me those were petunias and then wished me a happy 4th. We got talking and I happened to mention to her that 4th of July here reminded me of 15th August back in India. She started telling me the history behind this day and how important this day was to each one of them. As we ended our conversation, she said that she was sure that all the Indians took their 15th August as seriously as Americans took their 4th of July. I nodded at that time and started my long walk back home - her statement got me thinking - did we actually take our independence day seriously - I don't think I can say an absolute undoubted yes to it - to most of us , including me, the day is just another holiday - when in school it meant that I would get sweets to eat - at work it meant another day when I could wake up late. Do I appreciate the efforts that went into making India an independent nation - yes - do I do soemthing to express my pride - no - should I be making an explicit attempt at showcasing my pride - I don't know. As I was thinking about all this and heading towards CVS - I happened to see a fireworks display - one after the other - brilliant colors filled the dark sky - most of the people walking with me on the street paused and just looked at the sky - in awe. The display lasted for almost 10 minutes - now - I was regretting the fact that I could not be in Boston to see the fireworks display - which my friend P so passionately recommended as a must-watch if I was anywhere close to Boston - but I got my fireworks time sitting here in the quiet town of Hanover - I got to enjoy my own little celebration - the sounds and colors reminded me of Diwali. So that was the lead-up to my first 4th here in US - my drumroll - you would get the drumroll joke if you happen to watch "How I met your mother" :) Well - as I get back to enjoying my long weekend - filled with long walks, poetry reading and "How I met your mother" - I wish everyone out there a happy 4th - or as they say back in India - happy independence day :)

Wednesday, July 01, 2009


I did not go back to listening to Michael Jackson until this week. I was wondering...if he was still around...would I have Liberian Girl playing on Youtube right now? Don't want to know the answer to that one.