Brian Eno once said that "I've always thought that art is a lie, an interesting lie. And I'll sort of listen to the "lie" and try to imagine the world which makes that lie true... what that world must be like, and what would have to happen for us to get from this world to that one." Van Gogh’s world intrigues me and I can never tire of imagining it.
Poetry surrounds us everywhere, but putting it on paper is not as easy as looking at it. ~Gogh
A good picture is equivalent to a good deed. ~Gogh
It is not the language of painters but the language of nature which one should listen to. . . . The feeling for the things themselves, for reality, is more important than the feeling for pictures. ~Gogh
I dream my painting and then paint my dream. ~Gogh
Keep your love of nature, for that is the true way to understand art more and more. ~Gogh
I believe there is nothing more artistic than to love people. ~Gogh
When I have a terrible need of — shall I say the word — religion, then I go out and paint the stars. ~Gogh
Brian Eno also said that "Rationality is what we do to organize the world, to make it possible to predict. Art is the rehearsal for the inapplicability and failure of that process." I guess the world owes its success in some ways to the failures of Van Gogh.
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