Monday, June 23, 2008


She: It hurts

He: Yeah - it does

She: Wot hurts you dude?

He: Watching Vidya in Kismet Konnection. Sad!

She: Wot hurts - to love someone with all your heart knowing that your presence or absence makes no difference to him - knowing that he doesnt miss you even in the smallest way possible - knowing that you are not a part of his world - knowing that you are doing the most impractical thing on this planet and still doing it anyway - that hurts.

He: Ouch - that must actually hurt - is that why we are sitting in a temple right now?

She: Maybe

He: Well - think about this - isnt it better to have loved and lost than to have never loved at all?

She: Easier said than done

He: Is that why we are sitting in a temple right now?

She: Maybe


Shaan said...


Anonymous said...

Happens man - happens :)