Sunday, September 24, 2006

Liar Liar!!!

Long time back, I had seen this movie titled "Liar Liar". It was the story of a man who told lies for no particular reason - to make someone happy, to get out of problematic situations, to get a promotion, etc etc etc. When he was not able to make it to his only son’s birthday party, he came up with a lie even for that! Well, his son wished over the birthday candles that his father would not lie just for a day. And the wish actually came true. That’s when all the fun began. After all the confusion and confrontations possible, the movie did have a happy ending. But the point that I made note of was that the protagonist had only truth to fall back on and it did not provide a very strong defence at times unfortunately.

Well, is it true? Can truth by itself never really be sufficient? Does a term like "white lie" need to exist? Don’t get me wrong. I don’t say I have never lied in my whole life. I am no Gandhi. I know most of us would agree (at least secretly) that life does not run smoothly without a few white lies here and there.

The way I see it, we think that way just as long as one’s opinion on the issue is needed. But what happens when you are at the receiving end? When you realise that your perception about something/someone was just another "white lie". Can you stop yourself from feeling angry, hurt and cheated? Is it that easy to justify the whole "white lie" theory? Is it that serious a felony? Then why is it sometimes so difficult to come to terms with it? Is it that easy to forgive and forget? Is that the only way out of all the confusion and guess work? When such a thing happens, just what is the right thing to do? What are the right words to say? What is the right way to react?

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